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Factors to Consider in Choosing the Right School for Your Kids


So you’re considering to purchase a house and lot for sale in Cagayan de Oro city, and you are about to start a new chapter in your family life. Moving to a new address, adjustments and preparation should be done before settling in your new home. These changes come with life decisions from the perspective of parents with their kids in mind.

One factor to consider when moving to a new house is finding a new school for your kids. As a concerned mother, you wouldn’t want to send your young ones to a subpar school, right? You’d only want the best for them as they grow up. But since you will be living in a new community, you might find yourself at a loss.

There’s no need to worry because we listed down the factors you should consider in choosing the right school for your children.

Location is something, but not everything…

According to parenting website Raising Children, choosing a school for your kids is sometimes as easy as geography. Parents opt to send their children to the school nearest their home. Why not? It is practical: traveling to and from the school is easier for your kids; the cost of travel is cheaper; and your kids can make friend with children from the neighborhood since they are more likely enrolled in the same school.

While this is the most case, however, some families still look for additional considerations in choosing a school that will suit their children’s personalities, strengths, needs, and interests.

Available Facilities

Choosing a school doesn’t stop at finding the most accessible one from the house and lot for sale you are going to buy in Cagayan de Oro city, though—school facilities also play a vital role in your children’s learning experience.

Schools without facilities like playgrounds should be avoided, according to Peg Tyre, author of “The Good School: How Smart Parents Get Their Kids the Education They Deserve” in a Time article. She furthered that children need at least 20-minute break time daily, and such facilities can help increase cognitive functioning as well as benefit kids health with aerobic exercises.

In addition, libraries are a must, especially for preschools and kindergartens. Tyre explained that children in their formative years need to be surrounded with words, so a lot of time should be allotted for reading.

Principal’s Philosophies

Knowing how the head of the school views education is essential for your decision making. How does he expect teachers to educate children? How does he treat the students? Does he instruct teachers to follow the curriculum strictly, or create specific lessons plans for each student? Speaking directly with the principal can help you gain general information about how the school works.

Word of mouth from other parents can also help you learn more about the principal’s reputation. This way, you will get different views from both the school and the parents, giving you vital information for your decision making.

Student-Teacher Relationships

Teachers are considered second parents, so it is only important that they have a good relationship with their students. That said, it is necessary that you pay the school a visit and observe how the teachers handle situations concerning your kids.

Do not be afraid to ask for the teachers’ qualifications. Schools providing opportunities to teachers to continue their professional development is a good sign that they are committed to quality education, according to this site.

The right school should also possess teachers who are capable of engaging with children. Teachers must have good knowledge about a student’s strengths and weaknesses and must take great pride in the children’s progress.

Choosing the right school after buying a house and lot can put a lot of pressure, considering the number of schools in Cagayan de Oro city. However, knowing the factors above should help you choose the right educational institution for your children. In the end, the decision is still yours and seeing your kids enjoy their school time is what matters most.

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